Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

The N. R. Kamath Chair for Institutional Excellence was initiated by the Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation, with the help of the IIT Bombay alumni in 2017. This grant allows visiting professors from prestigious universities like Harvard University and Cornell University to spend a semester at IIT Bombay and conduct lectures, interactive sessions, workshops and research meetings for the students and faculty of IIT Bombay.

Ambuja Manovikas Kendra

The Foundation supports Ambuja Manovikas Kendra in Ropar district of Punjab, which is an initiative of Ambuja Foundation. This facility provides special children and their families with the necessary education and support services to lead fulfilling and productive lives. This includes Early intervention, special education, Therapeutic service and life skills and Vocational training for rehabilitation.

Ummeed Inclusion Fellowship Program (UIFP)

The Foundation has supported Ummeed Child Development Centre, Mumbai to address concerns of children with special needs. Ummeed’s Inclusion Fellowship Program (UIFP) aims to create Inclusion Champions who will work in schools to create an ecosystem where all children, the ones with disabilities, can thrive and not just survive.

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