Tobacco Free India Grants and Awards

Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation has instituted the Tobacco-free India Grants and Awards for NGOs and individuals respectively. Organizations and individuals from different parts of India have been supported to strengthen tobacco control initiatives at district level for effective implementation of the Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) and making schools tobacco-free. Since 2009, the Foundation has offered grants to 35 organisations and felicitated 47 individuals across 12 Indian states, through this initiative. This support has enabled the training of about 4.3 lakh stakeholders, sensitisation of more than 15.5 lakh community members and declaring 5,000 schools to be tobacco-free.


The Foundation has taken a strategic approach by initiating LifeFirst, a Tobacco Cessation Counselling service in collaboration with the Salaam Bombay Foundation. Since 2012, the programme is being implemented in various healthcare settings, workplaces and schools. More than 25,000 individuals have been supported in their journey to quit tobacco.

In collaboration with Harvard School of Public Health and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, LifeFirst has developed a training course for healthcare providers on tobacco cessation. Over 6,000 healthcare professionals, including doctors, dentists, nurses, and counsellors have been trained. An online version of the training course is also available.

LifeFirst carries out research activities in partnership with T. H. Chan Harvard School of Public Health, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Institute of Public Health, Ambuja Foundation and other reputable institutions. The National Tobacco Control Programme has recognized LifeFirst as a technical partner for conducting trainings and supporting tobacco cessation centres across various districts of Maharashtra.

Key Past Projects

Project: Implementing the Tobacco-free school initiative in schools through stakeholder trainings, community awareness, teacher involvement etc. in 12 states of India through 35 partner NGOs

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